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We Help You Thrive In

Private Practice

Coaching and Courses for Allied Health Professionals

Get Started

So, you're great at helping people improve the way they move, feel or heal.

You've been in business for a while now and your practice is really starting to grow.

But you're struggling to juggle your staff and your practice.

You've started spending every waking minute at your clinic.

And having free-time to do what you love is starting to become is distant memory.

You're starting to feel exhausted.

And that's got to change.

What if there was a way to fast-track

your way to healthcare success?

We Provide Experience-BaseD

Business Coaching & Courses

Let us guide Allied Health Professionals just like you,

enabling your growth, and supporting your practice life

to become everything you dreamt it could be.

Ways to Work With Us

Where Are You On Your Business Journey?

Whether you've just opened a new clinic or been in business for a while,

make your dream practice a reality.

Not sure?

Want to talk about it?

We love a good chat - especially about your business

Book a time to chat

Ways to Work with Us

What do you need to help you grow?

There's something for everyone


Imagine having someone to guide you to greatness.

One to One Coaching is a great way to get  exactly what you need to build or grow your practice - the right way!

This is an opportunity to learn from my real-world experience and identify exactly what is going to help you have a thriving, successful practice, and a patient list filled with referrals. I simplify the process of getting to your goals in the shortest, easiest and most profitable way first.

Practice-specific, time-tested advice, that actually works.

Learn more


Coming soon.

Sign up here and be one of the first in New Zealand to get access to our practice-changing online courses.

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Practice building tools, in 'bite-sized' chunks

Thinking of testing the water? Or perhaps you just want a bit of gentle guidance on how to get started on the pathway to success. Each of these resources are designed for maximum impact on the growth of your business.

Plus, they're easy to apply to your patients or practice, straight away. Take a look, and start your growth journey today.

Take a look

Flourishing in Practice is Possible for YOU

And I can't wait to help you get started

Hi, I'm Holly and it's my passion to help healthcare practice owners (like you) have the clinic they've always dreamed of.

Sometimes it can feel like an impossible journey, and I've heard many business owners say "if I knew then what I knew now, I'd never have opened a business in the first place".

But why should this be so? You've worked too darn hard to feel like that about something you're so passionate about.

When I started my practice, I literally knew nothing about business. But over many years, I learnt lots of lessons - some of them, the hard way!

And now I know exactly what you need to have a busy thriving practice, a great reputation, and patients coming out of your ears.

If I can do it, so can you.

Golden Rules of Practice

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Just tell us what you need to grow.

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